Help and advice for staying healthy by eating low cholesterol foods


A large number of low cholesterol foods contain different types of
antioxidants that the body needs to maintain a healthy immune system.
Antioxidants are compounds such as vitamins A, C, and E, as well as
beta carotene. They slow down the process of oxidation in the body,
and consequently can prevent damage to healthy cells. Antioxidants
have long been regarded as being of benefit in the treatment of cancer
and can help prevent heart disease, although the way in which
antioxidants work is not entirely understood. The medical profession
does generally agree that adding antioxidants to your diet is of
benefit to your health.

For anyone thinking of taking antioxidants it is important to realize
that they are most beneficial in the form of food rather than as
nutritional supplements. This is almost certainly due to the
interaction of vitamins and minerals in foods which is difficult to
emulate with tablets. An ideal diet, therefore, should include lots of
fresh foods and vegetables to get the most benefit from antioxidants,
and fresh produce is a vital part of a healthy diet in any case.

For more nutritional tips and general dietary advice visit my blog at
Low Cholesterol Foods where I describe the rest of the Antioxidant

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